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Essential Facts About Underpinning Home Foundations

The footing or foundation of a building is crucial to structural integrity and longevity. The foundation of a home can be damaged due to various reasons ranging from poor artistry to unstable soils and poor choice of materials. A weak foundation can cause a building to be unsafe for occupation. Notably, underpinning is the best cause of action to remedy against foundation problems. Underpinning refers to the process of stabilising and buttressing the foundation of a building. Here are essential facts for homeowners to know about the underpinning of foundations.

1. What Causes Foundation Problems

Underpinning might be necessary when the existing foundation of your home becomes weak and unstable. One major cause of foundation issues is when the soil structure changes due to contraction and expansion caused by water. Also, foundation problems might start when the bottom soils settle in what is referred to as subsidence. Changes in weather patterns, faulty plumbing, and poor understanding of foundation soils are also known to cause foundation weaknesses that might warrant an underpinning project. Besides, when a natural disaster, such as earthquake or floods occur, your home could suffer from foundation instability.

2. Signs of Foundation Issues

It is difficult for a layperson to establish whether their home has foundation challenges. Therefore, seek the services of a professional such as a structural engineer to inspect your home. Nonetheless, common signs that a home needs underpinning include cracking of walls and floors both inside and outside the house. Wide and deep cracks could be another pointer to a big problem beneath the foundation. Another sign is when your doors and windows develop gaps, which affects the normal opening and closing of such fixtures. Check if your floor is leaning towards one direction. A good test for establishing a slanting floor is the rolling ball test.

3. Main Underpinning Techniques 

The process of repairing a foundation can take different forms. The concrete slab underpinning procedure is common for residential buildings. In this technique, a foundation is excavated to a specified depth and concrete is poured in the pit to reinforce the structure. Another underpinning procedure is the pile and beam or screw pile whereby steel piers are combined with concrete footings to seal cracks and gaps, and thus, restore a foundation to its original state. The technique is widely accepted because it ensures the durability and stability of a building for years to come.

Contact underpinning services to address your home foundation concerns.